
Ten Ideas a Day to Tenzo Tea: The Number 1 Matcha Company in LA, a (UCLA) Dropout Story with Steve O’Dell

episode description:


Steve O’Dell is the Co-founder and CEO of Tenzo Tea. Steve grew up in Rochester, New York as the youngest of five boys. At the age of 12, he met a 6’4 inch 14 year old Robbie Page. After overcoming their awkward high school years, the pair moved across America to sunny Los Angeles to play volleyball for UCLA.

While at UCLA, he studied History and starting creating companies (both good and bad), but, after three years, the contemporary college route didn’t suit Steve’s overarching goals in his life, so he dropped out just half a semester shy of graduation to pursue entrepreneurship. After dropping out, he started Tenzo Tea with his business partner Robbie Page, who we have to mention is now 7’1 inch tall.

Steve loves reading, writing, and learning and takes an active role to inspire entrepreneurship and actively writes about healthy living, business, and leadership on publications across the internet including Forbes.

Show notes:

Eric: Well, today I have here Steve Odell CEO and co-founder of Tenzo Tea. Welcome to the Y-Factor podcast happy to have you here. 

Steve: Thanks for having me. Excited to be here. 

Eric: So pretty much just start off what Steve usually does and when people come and visit or come and talk, he will actually share and pour a matcha shot for the guests. So just to start off our podcast here as a matcha drinker, we are going to take a matcha shot as well. So Cheers. 

Steve: Cheers. 

Eric: Thank you. So pretty much to start off like you can explain and tell people like you know, what do you do? What in the world is matcha and Tenzo Tea as a company just to start if off. 

Steve: Yeah, so Tenzo Tea is a matcha green tea brand we’re based in Los Angeles, California. We sell matcha green tea, which is the healthiest energy on the planet.

It’s literally just powdered green tea can mix into smoothies make it into a sho, mix with water and make a latte so many things you can do with it. 

Eric: I don’t think it’s just powder because I know you and your team have gone out all the way to Japan to source the best quality stuff and there’s a term for it that you guys have.

Steve: Yeah, it’s called Ceremonial Grade, so we have like that the highest grade much you can get and kind of like you mentioned we did go to Japan. We visited a bunch of different Farmers picked some really really great farms at the foothills of a volcano. So it’s really nutrient-rich soil. 

Eric: Yeah 

Steve: and then it’s all hand-picked which is really good and then it’s stone grounded into a powder that you guys see today that we just had a shot of. 

Eric: Yeah. Well perfect. I mean the whole the whole thing about matcha, it’s definitely like a huge movement today in terms of a healthier energy source of what people can drink especially as an alternative to coffee, right?

So I actually never really drank matcha until I met you guys really which is why I did want to talk to you especially about your story and how you’ve been building this company and the brand alongside your team. And what makes it so special. Can you give us your background of like, you know, how you even started this matcha business? 

Steve: Mmm Yeah. So in college I was at UCLA and I wasn’t like a great student per se. 

Eric: And how you define not great of a student?

Steve: if attendance wasn’t mandatory in a part of the grade, I would never go to class and I did all right didn’t fail any classes, you know and, but I was always learning and so that was the kind of weird part is I was always in the library, but I wasn’t ever going to class and I loved reading and learning and internet stuff.

And so I got my entrepreneurship in college started a few companies. Some are sort of successful some of them really sucked, but then during school I learned a lot about like when I wasn’t going to class I was programming and building websites and I learned a lot about the internet. 

Eric: So, you’re self-teaching yourself other things just outside of your curriculum for school?

Steve: Oh, yeah, so like rigorous learning is what I like to call it and I was learning a lot. I learned a bunch of different programming languages became really proficient in the web and then sort of making websites, so selling portable chargers online, started a printing company, started like an odd jobs company that was like the first ever like real business and that’s still running today in New York. My cousins run that. 

Eric: Oh wow.

Steve: Yeah, so it’s like four years ago now and then halfway through my senior year I dropped out of school and moved in on to my buddy’s couch. That buddy is my co-founder now Rob Page and one day I literally Googled what’s the healthiest form of energy after chugging like 10 Red Bulls and six cold brews.

Eric: You mean in terms like working on your own businesses? 

Steve: Yes. I was just working on businesses building websites selling things online and just reading books. 

Eric: Spending a lot of time staying up late and just trying to keep up. 

Steve: Yeah, 20 hours a day every day. Like nothing. I wasn’t doing anything.

I wasn’t going to parties… like nothing. 

Eric: and as even during school too 

Steve: yeah, this is the whole time probably I would say around January 2016 I got super intense into Entrepreneurship and really sort of focusing, three more months of school went by I was taking like a max credit load like 20 plus units at UCLA, which is on a quarter schedule, so they’re all condensed already. 

Eric: Yeah 

Steve: and then uh that was fine. I was running several online companies.*both talking* 

Eric: So then that led you into trying to figure out like what is it healthier energy as opposed to drinking 

Steve: coffee

Eric: things like your coffee or energy drinks, so then that’s what you just searched on Google?

Steve: Yeah, just literally Googled it what’s the healthiest form of energy on the planet. 

Eric: So then how did you take that and then decide like well if I’m going to be drinking this, let me just start my own company around it or how did you decide? 

Steve: Yeah, well. I learned a lot from my prior businesses and to go back on some of the things I built. One was an on-demand printing company, like like we, we would deliver a paper to your professor or whatever or if you needed something printed and didn’t have a printer. Genius right? 

Eric: Yeah.

Steve: Anyway it the point of that was like you don’t want to be moving towards printing when the world’s going digital and so the lesson was like make a business that’s aligned with the way the world is moving and working and so I personally believe and like something that you just kind of mentioned briefly that people want healthy clean energy.

We don’t need to drink a Five Hours, Red Bull or pre workout. We can just have matcha. And so I saw that and then I looked at Google trends for like more data, kind of based decision here and the graph was up and to the right and for everyone doesn’t know Google Trends displays aggregate search data, so you can kind of identify Trends things in products or markets and take advantage of that. So, did that and then tried it out. Liked it and the rest is history. Shopify was on Shopify a few minutes later. 

Eric: And just started your on store it so did it did it start out with you guys just saying, “hey, we need to go to Japan and find this or you guys…” 

Steve: No, No.

Eric: Bootstrapped it with some other suppliers 

Steve: yeah, we were bootstrapped from the beginning like broke.

I was dead broke. Like I was eating potatoes for like every single meal had like zero dollars. Like any dollars I was making I would spend on like testing ads or trying to start something, you know, it’s like fooling around learning and from there we bought like 10 units from this guy private labeling in Arizona.

And then then we bought like 50 units and then like a hundred 

Eric: and you guys just kept selling out and selling out. 

Steve: Yeah. Yep, and then we got a small loans, so we were 60 K in a loan after doing that for several months and that kind of was like our start. Eric: Yeah. Okay. So then I mean, I guess we missed the transition obviously in terms of like the deciding factor where I guess one of the most crazy points of your life was to decide and drop out of UCLA. 

Steve: Yeah. Yeah, so I actually dropped out of school before Tenzo even began. I didn’t know what I was going to do. 

Eric: But you were halfway through your senior year already like 

Steve: yeah. 

Eric: Why not make that decision like well, I only have you know, a quarter and a half left or two quarters left and I’ve already you know, put in all this money into my education and if I remember you in a previous conversation tell me like you and Rob were the first people out of your hometown or small hometown to even go to UCLA UCLA.

Steve: Yeah, I mean the decision was basically that I wanted to follow what I was doing and my life just wasn’t that aligned and I didn’t want to wait a few more months to kind of just get something that didn’t really matter. I felt that like I was spending a lot of money to go to school.

I didn’t see any reason to do that and take on more debt and I can do and learn on my own. 

Eric: But you don’t think especially in terms of how Society works or how the world works where you need a bachelor’s degree to even get a job. You didn’t want to complete that and it just in case that if you know all these entrepreneurial Pursuits back in the day may or may not have worked out and for you to you know, go to a corporate job.

Like I’m sure as a UCLA if you were a UCLA graduate you could have picked up a pretty good job coming out of school. And so I how did you decide like 

Steve: Yeah I mean.. 

Eric: that the things you were working on we’re more important. 

Steve: I so I like the things that I do are all to put myself in a position to give more and that comes in the forms of like Tenzo’s donations or being a philanthropist when your older trying to help the world out in some way, you know?

And so I try to put myself in a position like that and I didn’t believe that getting a corporate job would help me do that. I wanted to learn and grow as fast as possible. I really just felt kind of bogged down by the system and getting out of that was like very freeing and also it puts the pressure on you know, like I really believe in antifragility and if you overcome stress and strain you get a lot stronger. 

Eric: And what was that term?

Steve: Antifragility. So it means like you can identify situations, people, pretty much anything. As one of three things they’re either fragile which means they get exposed to stress and they break so like a glass. If you hit a glass with a hammer it’s gonna break, and then there are things that are robust meaning they get exposed to stress and they say the same thing they get slightly weaker, but not really too much.

So that’s like a cinder block. So if  you hit a cinder block with a hammer or something break. 

Eric: It can withstand it quite a few times. 

Steve: Yeah and then there are things that are antifragile which means you expose them to stress and they get stronger. So you’re talking about like the process of creating a diamond for instance. 

Steve: Sure or something as simple as lifting weights.

Yeah, you go to the gym, you expose your arms to stress of a let’s say bench, press 150 pounds more than you’ve ever done and you do that and then you go back to the gym the next day and your body’s stronger. Now can do 155 and so all you did was expose it to stress and it got stronger, you know, and it’s recognizing situations where things get stronger from stress is really important and I believe that like humans as individuals are very much so antifragile. 

Eric: in terms of most things and especially within the practice of pursuing something like a business and building that out and putting yourself in an environment to put that pressure on you and like not having school or not having your bachelor’s degree. Like that kind of stress. 

Steve: Yep. So you’re saying you would put yourself more into these environments or self create these scenarios for you to keep putting pressure on yourself? 

Steve: It’s not like I’m trying to forcibly do that, more so I’m not afraid. Other people would see that as oh, this is a terrible stress, you can’t get a job without a bachelor’s degree. How are you going to like afford to live like all these things there’s a lot of negatives so that gets people really scared, but I took it as oh all those things are really just going to make me smarter, more disciplined, more efficient and put me in position to meet more people and learn more.

So I wanted that I saw that as like a golden opportunity. 

Eric: Yeah, and I think I can completely agree with that because I myself have never been that great of a public speaker growing up, but even in high school I decided to take on the role of you know, being on the mic and going like being the one to talk at the school assemblies and and the rallies the school rallies and even during lunch time to host like lunchtime activities just to keep practicing that and then that eventually got me more and more practice. Me and my friend started a DJ company where will host like or go for weddings and we actually ended up coming back after I graduate high school to DJ for for our high school too and just being able to practice and talk and I think putting that pressure on myself.

It’s a really great perspective that you brought up and I didn’t even know that that you know, antifragility would be the term for that. 

Steve: Like Kanye West says best what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. Yeah in The Abridged version. Yeah. Yeah. Um, he actually got that from Daft Punk. 

Eric: Well, you have your own version now and I think you definitely can explain it more and I think that’ll definitely help especially the listeners to uncover, you know, the different types of scenarios they may be getting themselves into especially if they are looking for an entrepreneurial Pursuit knowing that it is definitely hard work, but like you said it’s going to make you smarter is going to make you stronger as long as you overcome, right as long as you don’t break aka maybe quit, right? Yeah. 

Steve: Terminal error is the only way. If you have a terminal error, then you’re done. Systems shut down. If you avoid all terminal errors and never quit and you keep improving you’ll succeed.

Eric: Yeah, so then in terms of terminal errors, I would say, the obstacles that come with building out a business or obviously part of the equation right as you go through like what are some obstacles that you and your team have faced. I think you guys been around for almost two years now.

So like you know for you guys that for you to dropout of college start a few businesses and then decide on growing, you know Tenzo Tea as a brand and to get this to this point has been, you know, very impressive right? But obviously you’ve must have faced obstacles along that so like what have you guys done and how did you guys ever overcome them? 

Steve: Yeah. I mean the first one was like you’re just starting company. You don’t really know what you’re doing. And so you have to figure that out and the first question is like, where do you get information from? How do you set up an e-commerce store? How do you sell someone? Like a what is Facebook?

Remember we didn’t even use even know Facebook ads were things like four months. Yeah. They’re like, holy schnikeys. You can sell product through Facebook this is crazy. You know, and so I think the first challenge was like just learning and getting the right information. Being able to figure out what’s important what’s not is really really important in the beginning that came through a lot of learning and a lot of talking with people.

I think like just even the fact that we met at going to Stack and Growth and meeting other digital marketers and people that own companies and saying Hey, how do you do this? How you do that? That was really helpful in overcoming the kind of learning portion of it, and then that’s continued on and manifested itself in like a number of ways more recently but like one of them was, we’re a food and beverage product. So if someone gets sick drinking our product there’s decent chance that were liable for that or someone is in our supply chain and so we have to have really good tracking to figure that out and we have all that set up, but the FDA does routine audits and we went through routine at the audit.

Yeah two months ago and…

Eric: I know you and you just told me that you you guys had  pretty good results coming from that. 

Steve: Yeah, it was amazing. I mean so we got this email like we go through this back-and-forth game. They’re coming in eventually at 10 a.m. On like a Friday and we built out like 250 pages of this quality manual foreign supplier verification program and in like three days write it all super fast organize all the documents had it turned out we have like everything we needed. We just need to put it in a binder and write it all in like legal terms and according to the code of federal regulations. Yeah. And so we did that you can see I’ll be happy to show you, it’s over there and then maybe like four hours of questioning with this guy and we passed with flying colors and we were like the we are the first company he’s ever said that he didn’t have to give it a warning or write up to.

And he’s like, I don’t even know how to leave – I guess I gotta shake your hand and walk out. 

Eric: Yeah

Steve: No warning. 

Eric: he’s like usually I’m writing a ticket or some type of  report or as an offense, but for you guys I mean, that’s just a test to like you guys doing really good work here in terms of the quality of the product being as high grade as possible and even in within your internal process of you know, abiding by the FDA and making sure you guys are passing with flying colors, right which you know to me like you mentioned like I guess the the perception of you dropping out of college meant like you’re a bad student you’re getting bad grades, but for you, it’s really like you have this work ethic that is is on another level. Right? And you are trying to achieve the highest grade possible within yourself and your work that you do but it doesn’t have to involve with things that you don’t even want to do right like yeah, whether it’s school. 

I think a few weeks ago, you posted a story on your Instagram about knocking out I think around 40, 41 goals 

Steve: 60 plus 

Eric: I think you started at 40 and then you bumped it up to 60, right? 

Steve: Yeah

Eric: and and because I was I was watching it throughout the night and you had like 40 tasks at that point and I think you were going to try to finish that basically just finish it no matter what?

Steve: Yep 

Eric: right? So like you mentioned it did increase to 60 and I remember you finishing at 4 a.m. Right? So I read a lot as well right and I listen to a lot of podcasts and tell you just oh, yeah, just at least finish like, you know, your two three most important things and then and then you’re fine, right or just, you know, take your task list and then you don’t finish it, you know, just push it off into the next day, right?

So how do you mentally decide like, yeah 60 things on my list. I need to get done as a priority. You know without fatigue. Yeah, to just knock it out of the park. No matter what. 

Steve: Yeah, so that is a great question. And I don’t do that like all the time. Definitely happens frequently though and what happens is I am like extreme about prioritization just like you mentioned and so I batch tasks. I go through a lot of prioritizing I set very quick time like timelines and deadlines.

And then I like to literally time myself, so I’ll have a timer taking my sort of projects and it’s like “go!”  Define like the level of quality want to hit, hit that as fast you can you know, like literally there’s a timer on so, there’s a lot of pressure there and yeah, so I did that. I had all 60 tasks and I rewrote them down and I put numbers on them one through 60 or 1 through 40 and ask tasks came up I popped them into the prioritizing and then there I always keep my to-do list prioritized like rank-and-file most important all the way down and it’s like what you said to you want to get the top two three done. So you can’t do number 40 until you do 1 2 3 4 up 39. So that’s what I did and then but it just got to the point where I have like 30 10 to 15 minute tasks, you know.

So then I was like I can’t just let these like I don’t like things sitting, you know, so I just chopped them all up. 

Eric: Yeah, I think mentally especially how you know, most most people who grow up, you know, you get directions from your parents your teachers and then like I’ll pull all-nighters during school, right?

And that’s just because I procrastinated on writing a paper. Yeah, and then that is the pressure that I put on myself. It is due tomorrow. Otherwise, I’m going to get a bad. 

Steve: No. Yeah, mine is like a willful like execution of the work is for you then it’s the idea like because this is my business my livelihood, I am putting all you know, all that pressure. Yeah. I also love to work. Yeah, when I do, I like learn so much. 

Eric: You consider yourself a workaholic or not. 

Steve: I wouldn’t say I’m a workaholic. I just think because I like I use the word work and it means like time that I spend like going on walks because I like thinking about like Tenzo or…

Eric: Yeah, and last time I visited you’re like, hey, let’s just go for a walk instead of just sitting down and having a meeting. Yeah. Yeah, exactly. So I consider that stuff working. I consider like meeting you work. What I don’t do is I don’t consider like playing a game of darts working, you know, like watching TV, but I don’t really do those things yeah.

Eric: I mean, do you do you have what I guess people consider as stress relievers? That you do or? 

Steve: No. I just read a lot. 

Eric: You’d say that… 

Steve: I read and I write. 

Eric: Yeah. 

Steve: I read a ton like grammarly is like getting close to a hundred thousand words a week. 

Eric: Yeah. 

Steve: And I do at least five hundred words a day in my journal handwritten.

I’m getting closer to a thousand words a day there. 

Eric: Wow, and I personally don’t know when I’m releasing this but you know, I think as of a week ago you became a Forbes writer contributor. 

Steve: Yep. 

Eric: Which is impressive. 

Steve: Yeah, that was crazy. A lot of writing goes on to get that to you.

Eric: Were you always a talented writer or this is something that you like for me? I wanted to speak better. So I put myself in scenarios and then for you, it’s let me just write something every day.

Steve: Yeah. Yeah, so I see writing as just like a very foundational skill that affects a lot of what you do and how your ideas are perceived and disseminated and and I just think it’s like absolutely critical every single person I look up to writes a lot. It’s a staple in their lives. So I’ve always kind of just done that. I also liked it a lot helps me think through things.

Eric: Especially if you just write it out. 

Steve: you can be so creative if you’re just like flowing and it’s like a lot of people just miss those flow states or they don’t like utilize them and then… Sometimes I get home and it’s like nine pm and my thoughts have like one like idea and I’m like, oh I’m in like I’m in here a little bit tired, you know, but then it’s just like doing and I can just fly until my hand hurts. 

Eric: Yeah, would you say there’s a big difference in writing it down versus just typing it somewhere or typing on your phone? 

Steve: Yeah, so I have been doing notebooks for a long time. I have like my last 15 dating back since I was 18.

I love it. It’s super cool and like people like, oh, yeah, you’ll never lose a Google doc, you know, and that’s fine. That’s true like maybe. Google obviously could, like something serious could happen but I doubt that it will. 

Eric: It could, it could. 

Steve: Yeah. 

Eric: There’s always a chance. Yeah, the cloud. What is the cloud? 

Steve: all the server Farms could bomb.

Eric: Yeah, exactly. 

Steve: Oh my God that would be a terrible day. Humanity with the rebuilding phase. Anyway. No, but I like writing keeps me organized and I like having all my notebook stacked so I can easily go back and reference thinks. It’s honestly hilarious to look back at College Steve’s start-up ideas. It’s so funny. 

Eric: Were you always coming up with jillion ideas before you even executed on a few of them?

Steve: Yeah. Yeah. So that’s what the first thing I did is I iterate on the idea. Right and James Altucher, this guy used to be into he has this thing about like how to create great ideas and it all started with just writing 10 a day. I have like all my OG tens. Yeah. It’s just like they’re so bad.

Eric: Yeah, so would you say you know part of that as your journey through college and writing down your 10 ideas starting, you know, the print delivery business and all of your other Pursuits where that is what got you the more confidence in launching, you know Tenzo Tea as a business? 

Steve: Yeah definitely and dropping out too. I left school with threats and risks and I tried to be as aware that as I possibly could, but in the end I was confident in myself and I just believed I’m a fucking conqueror, so I can survive on potatoes for months

Eric: Ha-ha

Steve: Yeah, that’s like

Eric: like Matt Damon you basically put yourself on Mars. 

Steve: And yeah, it’s like you cannot, you cannot kill me and I want to compete.

I’m in the ring. I’m willing to get bloodied and scarred. Yeah, and I’m ready to fight. 

Eric: You don’t mind getting your hands dirty. 

Steve: Not at all. Yeah I’ve had jobs where I literally cleaned it clean toilets for people sometimes. 

Eric: Really? 

Steve: Dude it was hardcore. $15 an hour, a few 19 year old boys. 

Eric: Just cleaning cleaning. 

Steve: Cleaning toilets. Made 20K in six weeks, so that’s pretty good. 

Eric: Wow. 

Steve: Cash, which we were just racked out dude. It was honestly pretty cool. First time I’d ever been exposed to money. 

Eric: Yeah. So I think that’s something that a lot of people just aren’t willing to do right? Like they they aren’t willing to make any sacrifices.  This is something that I discussed on another podcast where like if you really wanted something you sacrifice your job and you know, go work as a bartender, work as an Uber driver just to get yourself by in order to continue 

Steve: Yep. 

Eric: to allocate more time towards working or working towards your dream. Yep. All right, so, I mean it’s very impressive in terms of what you’ve done and I think that’s something that I admire about you is is your work ethic, you know really is as what it comes down to you and you know how you guys are building a brand. I love for you to share like how you guys are building a brand because that in itself I think is what is necessary to differentiate, you know yourself as a matcha company as opposed to the other ones that already do exist and you guys are pretty much dominating the market down here in Southern California.

So what are you guys doing differently? 

Steve: Well, I think a lot of the branding comes back to what I like to call it the core reason and principles of why you started the company. For us to it tends to, like I mentioned in the beginning, it’s really to put ourselves in a position to give more. Rob and I aren’t trying to make a million dollars.

That’s not the goal. If I want to make a million dollars, I’d start Drop Shipping jewelry off you know, it’s easy to make a million dollars we have friends who do that today. 

Steve: Yeah, so many of them. We have friends that are like 16 that are making a million dollars a month.

These guys are crazy. You know, it’s like that that wasn’t our goal and we wanted to play the long game and we’ve taken every step possible to do that and putting a [00:26:00] lot of time finding a great product and making sure we’re learning and going through all the proper steps and doing Omni channels and things like that.

And yeah, and so I guess like our core value is to give and so all we really need to do is keep putting ourselves in a position to do that and that comes across through branding at like every single touch point. Like literally from SEO and the messaging when the customer like first gets exposed to your through word of mouth all the way to your packaging and your emails and how we as Founders and the employees interact with people on day-to-day basis as we expand into food service.

Now, we have like close to 300 locations in LA which is getting pretty dense. Like there’s a lot of people drinking Tenzo of every single day, which is super exciting. And so we work really hard to make sure that people know they’re drinking Tenzo. Oh, yeah. It’s on the menu and cafes. We’re doing branding.

We’re doing events. We’re out like literally going to events as well. Hosting and just kind of putting the brand forward. Doing podcasts with our friends like this. 

Eric: Yeah, exactly and it was really funny because I mean, I think you guys are doing a phenomenal job regarding your marketing efforts because I was at a random coffee shop in Chinatown down in LA and I was getting coffee and right there, the barista had your guys sticker on the matcha container. Yeah right and I was like, oh you guys are serving Tenzo Tea and he’s like, yeah. Those guys are really cool. Yeah. So I’ve just you know by that they already recognize you guys. 

Steve: Yes, love it!

Eric: I didn’t tell you guys that story yet. So I mean it’s just great to what you guys what you guys are doing. 

Steve: It’s fun. 

Eric: Is there anything else you’d like to share, you know with the listeners on in terms of you know business or just life in general something you want to as a takeaway. 

Steve: I would just say that the most important thing is to never give up. 

Eric: Yeah, but I mean, how’d you know you know the whole Insanity, you know portion of like you’re something. 

Steve: And don’t ever make the rule is to never quit.  Like sorry be Resolute and your end goal and fluid in your approach never quit on your angle. 

Eric: Yeah. 

Steve: So if you want to build the car, let’s just say just start with the gold just build a company and test out as many different things as you can and just keep going.

Eric: Yeah, so it’s not that you can quit on a product for instance if it’s just not doing well or the margins aren’t there, but your end goal that you shouldn’t quit on is building the business. 

Steve: Yeah, it depends like where it falls in like the hierarchy or the tree, you know, if it’s the top thing in the tree then that’s okay and then like how its branches down how you get there, it’s different, you know. Yeah, we want to give, we want to build a company that puts us in that position do that at a large-scale when you create a big company. 

Eric: Awesome. Well, thank you so much

Steve for sharing your time and your knowledge on the Y-factor podcast it was phenomenal learning about your experience in having you on here.

Steve: Thank you for having me. 

Eric: Yeah. 

Steve: Many more match shots to come. 

Eric: Yeah awesome.

Eric: As a thank you guys for listening Steve here at Tenzo Tea has a special offer for you guys. So I love to have him share with you. Go ahead. 

Steve: Yeah, it’s “TryTenzo” and that’ll get you 20% off any one time purchase on our website or fifty percent off your first month subscription. Just head to www.tenzotea.ca.

Eric: I have Tenzo Tea myself. I’m subscribed. This is actually what I drink because I don’t know if you guys know but Steve and his co-founder Rob and his employee Brody. They’re all very tall individuals, and I think matcha might be the sole reason as to why they’re so tall. 

Steve: Makes you grow. 

Eric: So that’s exactly why I drink Tenzo Tea now besides the pure energy that I get.

So check him on out. I will have the link provided for you guys, and thank you guys for listening. 

Steve: Thanks

Eric: Talk to you guys soon.    

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